
Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Devi Ahilya

Ahilya is the Wife of the Sage Gautama.She is an Avatar of Ratri
the Goddess.She is the most Beautiful woman ever to walk on Earth.
Its is said that Her beauty was so great that if she walked by the
ocean at sunset the Sun God Surya would delay his descent, just
so that He could gaze on Her Beauty.

Maharishi Gautama is one of the Seven Seers ordained by
Lord Brahma himself.The other seers are Atri,Bharadwaja,
Jamadagni,kasyapa ,Vashishta and Vishwamitra.

The Story of Ahilya is highlighted with the wrong deed commited
by Lord Indra. The Lord of Devas , Indra , taking the form of the
Sage Gautama makes love to Ahilya.Indra is cursed by Gautama
and unfortunately the honest Ahilya is also cursed.After sending
his wife away the Sage Gautama enters into Samadhi .Samadhi
is a Meditation state of perfect union with the flow of the energy
of the Universe .The Sage enters into Samadhi for 1000's of
years until , He is reunited with His Wife.

In Ramayana , Lord Rama is taken to this Pit by Sage Vishwamitra
to free Ahilya.Lord Rama is the only person who can do it being
Perfectly Pure in Body Mind and Soul or Thought Word Deed.
Rama free's Ahilya and She is reunited with her Husband Gautama.

This shows the Power of Rishis(Sages) , that the Avatar of
Lord Vishnu Himself has to come to undo such a curse.

Trully Powerful and Magnificient is the story of Ahilya.

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