
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dont worry be happy

Don't Worry Be Happy


Dont worry be Happy , as a song sounds nice and indeed it is.
I would wish that to be free from worry would be as simple as
singing a simple song, but it isn't so.

Meditation is one means by which I have been able to dilute
my worries.For me Meditation is a connection to a field of energy.
Lots of Spiritual and Esoteric Books speak of an all pervading
energy field every present around us.A scientific explanation
of the Field would be through Quantum Mechanics.

Meditation is indeed a Method to make one stop worrying.
Healing Mantras help people solve various problems
in there Life and to bring in Health Wealth and Prosperity.

If you really wish to sing ' Don't worry Be Happy ' with no
worry, than do Meditate.

Meditation is connection to a State of Mind which is no
thought. Expectation of any sort isn't an option.Just a
Blank state of Mind.You are not your thoughts and mind
and body.You are the Traveler who sits within this cage
(the body).Again imagining one as an Alien within the Body
would be wrong,because we are trying to attain to a state
of no thought no imaginations.Initially this is the goal.
Stillness and becoming the Observer.Later on we may insert
'Intent ' into the Plane of Stillness,but for now be Still.

In a Kendo Video on youtube the 9th Dan Master was allowing
his opponent to win,it seemed more like a test of nerves than
skill. Accepting oneself is the hardest part , though this would
be the prerequisite for getting ahead in whatever we do.Hard
work and simplicity leading to a relaxed State of Mind will give
one a peek into the Plain of Stillness.

If we become calmer and more relaxed than we could surely
sing with joy ' Don't worry be Happy'.

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