
Thursday, August 27, 2009



Kali is a Hindu Goddess.She would be a Ugra
(Terrible Avatar) of the one Mother Goddess.
She is depicted as Dark in Color and residing
in graveyards,though there are many forms of
Kali.Devi Kali is also said to reside in Neem Trees.

To ward of Negative influence such as negative
Spirits or Poltergiest activity ,gaze onto a image
of Maa Kali and imagine the image enter your
Aura (also Body and Mind) and maybe above
your head into the Divine Light Thread.
A Shrine of Kali with a Large Picture is
very helpful.Seeking expert advice
before you do anything would be adviseable.

If one is able to look past the terrible features
Maa Kali , we see HER true form of infinite
love.Her violent
and titanic rage are HER
aspect of dealing
with any predicament that
besieges her
Devotes and the innocent.Kali
could be the most powerful
form among
the Devi's.SHE is called upon
by Devi Durga
to slay the Demon '

The Asura(Demon) has the power to manifest
more of Himself by His own Blood.A drop of
RakthaBija's (meaning ,Raktha=Blood,
Bija=Seed) Blood falling to ground sprouts
another RakthaBija.More the blood of the
Demon hits the ground, more the Demons
Sprout up.
Devi Durga realizing the grave
manifests Her Terrible form -Kali-.

Devi Kali drinks all the blood of RakthaBija
and kills all his clones.She than continue to
do a victory Dance in Her Universe threatening
rage.Lord Shiva the consort of Devi Kali
throws Himself at Her feet to cool her Rage.
Seeing Shiva at Her Feet when She steps on
Him, Kali calms down.

Some forms of Kali are:
Phalaharini Kali
-to destory the results of one's actions-
Siddha Kali
-to attain Perfection , Siddhi Powers-
Nitya Kali
-takes away disease and suffering-
Smashana Kali
-the form of Kali residing in Smashana(graveyard)-

Maa Kali is an Extremely Powerful
Deity,whose presence at Home
in the form of a Shrine or Picture
wards of all negative influences.


My Story :
Encounter with Maa.


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