
Monday, December 21, 2009

Maxims in Life

~Maxims in Life~

1.Environment is Stronger than Will Power.
-Sri Swami Paramahansha Yogananda
Environment comprises of
City we Stay in.
Work we do.
Clothes we wear.
Books we read.
Design and cleanliness level of our home.

Make Sure everything is Positive.

2.Friends or any people we interact with
should be Positive,stay away from others.
Sarcasm ,veiled insults are all hints of
concealed jealousy.Be only with good
company or be aloof.

3. "All that we are is the result of what we have
The mind is everything.What we think
we become"

So all Day Focus on Positive things,and the night
before one sleeps think of a positive Day ahead.
Constantly think of Deities or Saints and Holy
Mantras,but also don't be forceful.If you wish
Wealth focus on it.

4.Feelings are powerful ,if you wish Wealth
imagine riding in your Favorite Car and wearing
the best Clothes that you wish and imagine traveling
First class in a Plane. Imagine how that will feel.

5."Failing to plan is planning to fail"
-Alan Lakein

6.Meditation is very powerful tool along with
Mantra Chanting.Meditation is the most powerful
transformation tool and with advancement we
move into Realm of the Supernatural.

7.Daily reading of good Books helps motivate
inspire and change the constitution of the mind.
Good Books I recommend are:
1.'the Secret'.
2. 'where there is Light' and 'In the Sanctuary of the Soul'
Swami Paramahansha Yogananda
3. Seven Spiritual Laws of Success-Deepak Chopra
4.Quotations Booklets of Swami Vivekananda.
5.Meditation and Spiritual Life-Swami Yatiswarananda.
6.Mind and its control-Swami Buddhananda
7.Cash flow Quadrant-Robert Kiyosaki.
8.Healing Mantras.
9.Predictably Irrational.

8.'Keep matters in suspense'
'Always say less that necessary'
Two Books to understand the art of intrigue .
A.Art of War.
B.48 Laws of Power.

9.Learn to command respect and accrue power.
Don't always be innocent and help others readily.
Don't respect others too much they may disrespect
you.Don't help others easily ,people will take you for
granted.Be aware of your health, drinking too much
or eating things that one doesn't like to oblige others
isn't always good.

10.Don't spend money on others ,tends to create
a misunderstanding.

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