
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare

Is it right to turn the other cheek ?

We turn the cheek most of the time to avoid
confrontations. But turning our cheek too much
will be perceived as weakness, and if one is seen
as weak and a soft target than that person will be
taunted even more.It may so happen that the
person may end up attracting negative sadistic
people who delight in tormenting individuals
who remain docile.Once it is established that
someone is weak , the assaults continue.The
person is provoked over and over again. This
can very bad to the individual.The person's self
esteem reduces,the tormented individual ends
up being angry with those who really care about
him/her.The most dangerous situation being the
person storing a lot of pent up anger and rage
within him.This anger than tends to manifest
in a different form and can be very harmful.
Health, Mental peace everything gets affected.
The person's energy aura gets affected resulting
in his energy being depleted,causing stress.
How does one deal with such an situation ?
How does one deal with friends or colleagues
who are physically bigger and dominating ?
How does one deal with a sadistic Boss ?

I was watching a program on the TV about
the War in Iraq. The specific situation being
discussed was the deadly danger of Sniper's.
One of the Military experts said that the
best way to deal with a Enemy Sniper Team
was to have a Sniper Team of our Own.

This would be a way to take on attacks in
psychological warfare.A Psychological
attack can be as harmful as a Physical attack.
A article on the net talked about incompetent
or stupid workers who work under the boss
could give the Boss a Heart attack. A person
working under stress being constantly
bombarded by Mental missiles of
negativity and hate can be influenced.
The thoughts of people who are jealous
of us and hate us can influence us greatly.
Constant sarcasm is a negative attack.

As the Great Indian Sage Swami Vivekananda
says that if we don't respond to a person in the
same way he taunts us, how do we profess to
be a man ?

But most of us are not as great as the
Great Sage, so we must try and adapt
and innovate new methods to combat
and deal with pshycological warfare.

These attackers are aptly coined Energy
Vampires. And calling such people Energy
Vampires isnt being Metaphorical, I mean
it in the literal sense. These creatures indeed
suck up one's energy.

A person or group of persons or a problem
constantly annoying us makes us to focus
onto vague predicament being projected.
We would be rather thinking of something
more important than focus our energies on
such issues. Ignoring such situation is one
way of dealing with them but sometimes one
will be forced to deal with them. The ability
to give the situation the right amount of
dynamic attention and than total
detachement is the right way to go ahead.

The Yogi-Jedi's Zen Methods.

1.The Spell.
This would sound humorous to some.
By Spells I mean Sanskrit Mantras.These
ancient Hindu Holy recitations are very
powerful.This method would be the most
effective and maybe the easiest method.
There are mantras for protection,health and
wealth. Mantras can get rid one from evil
situations. Each and every situation has
an answer to it . A Mantra should be
chosen and chanted for a period of 40 Days,
108 times in one sitting.Apart from this
the Mantra can repeated throughout the day.
It would be best if one follows the 40 day
ritual without any interruption and than
continue onto other Mantras even if there
problems are solved. Keep growing using the

2.Take up Meditation and reading Spiritual
and inspirational books.

3.Avoid negative people in Life ,identify them
and stay away.

4.If possible wear a Horse Shoe Ring ,with
consultation from an Astrologer.

5.Join an self help or religious group.

6.Keep the house clean and filled with inspirational
pictures and books.Don't argue at Home.Home is the
Base-Station from where you charge yourself.

7.Read good books that explain about the art
of warfare and politics to give you an idea of
what is being played beyond your back.

8.Learn to taunt back and hurl mental missiles
and veiled insults , your sniper team in action.

9.Read up on feng shui, vastu shastra and psychology.

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