
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Benefits of reading Mythology

Benefits of Reading Mythology:
Reading Mythology would be the easiest
way to keep the mind under control.
Whatever decision we take will be based
on the anchoring principles.For example
if we read the Ramayana, we would
compare our behaviour with that of
Rama.Every decision we take we
consciously or subconsciously compare
it with Rama's Nature.What Lord Rama
would have done if he was in this
situation? we ask our self.
The best thing about Mythological Stories
are that they are so colourful .We remember
them so well.They are the best self help books.
Apart from helping the reader they are
so easy to read and immensely enjoyable.
If we observe these stories carefully,
each event that occurs in them resembles
our real life occurrences in some way.
Based on this anhcoring-wisdom,a point
of celestial reference, we can take decisions.
The Books should be read and re-read again
and again until there ideals are ingrained
into our subconscious mind.
Dynamic behaviour in a person depends on the
preponderance of a positive pattern of
thinking. A person who fills his mind
with inspirational stories and teachings,
over time develops a dynamic personality.
Mind states are Tamas Rajas and Sattva,
going from a low state of mind to the
highest frame of mind.Anyone wishing
to change his life needs to work on
transforming his state-of-mind.The best
way for a beginner would be to start
reading Mythology and they are all what
one needs for soul food. These Epic Tales
are the Ultimate transformation Tools.
The Numero Uno Self Help Books.


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