
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vimana Aircraft

Vimana Aircraft

Vimana Aircraft. Vimana is an Indian word used in various
Indian languages. The meaning of the word is Aircraft or flying
object. In the Movie 'the Objective' a CIA agent is sent into
Afghanisthan to track and report back on these Objects. Do
they really exist ?

Indian Mythology abounds with such tales of flying objects,
Vimana or Aircraft.In the Great Indian Epic -Ramayana- the
Demon King Ravan owns such a Vehicle, using it to abduct
Devi Sita the Wife of Rama.In the English version by Ashok
Banker, a much recent publication ,a spectacular description
of a Timeless Epic, the Vimana,is depcited in the book as
vastly more powerful than a simple flying vessel.The Vimana
can take any shape and size. The Great Ravana depicts his skill
by shaping the Viamana Aircraft into a huge colossal building
of sorts.In MahaBharata the greatest Indian Epic , the battle
betwen Krishna and Salva a King of the Asura Race (Demon race)
riding the Saubha(Vehicle) is depicted.

The Pilot of such a Craft would be no ordinary person he would
have to be an Advanced Mystical Sage well versed with Mantric
and Tantric Knowledge.32 Secrets are said to known by the
Pilots of such Crafts.

Certain Mythological texts say the Vimana's were parked
in the Vimana Griha(Ancient aeroplane hanger),sounds so
supernatural, an Ancient Hanger for Aircraft ??, and I thought
the Flight made by Orville Wright on December 17th 1903 in
Kitty Hawk - North Carolina was the first.

Types of Vimana Aircraft :

Four main types
1.Rukma------------Concial Shape with a Gold Coating
2.Sundara----------Rocket Shaped
3.Tripura------------like a three storeyed building
4.Sakuna-----------Bird like in appearence

Again these main types were subdivided into 113 subtypes.

Historical Source:
Vaimanika Shastra -- Text dated around fourth century BC
Its available on amazon dot com.

The Vimana is mentioned in the Ramayana, Mahabharata
,Bhagavata Purana and Yajurveda.

Energy Source:
The most important discovery would be the energy source
that drives these crafts.Some writings indicate Solar Energy
and some say they used a Yellowish-white Liquid and
some say Quicksilver.

Historical evidence:
Has Mohenjo Daro, one of the oldest cities in India,
more than 5000 Years old been destroyed by an Atomic
Bomb ? Which might have been launched from an Vimana.
Green Glass found in Nevada desert after a nuclear explosion
had been found by Archealogists around the ruins of this City.
The Ancient City known as ' the Place of Death ' by Archealogists
resembles the aftermath of a Nuclear Bomb going off.Maybe we
could also speculate an Astreoid collision or some other Stellar
effect , but there isnt a crater in the city.

Are these Vimana Aircraft the UFO's ? Indian Yogi's after
great Meditation attain to Siddhi Powers or Supernatural
Powers , is the Knowledge to make an Ancient Vimana a
Siddhi ? Anything attained after profound effort would be
a Siddhi.

What many think as fantasy may in fact be a much advanced
Science.Levitation is possible supposedly by changing the
Centrifugal force of cells in the Human Body.Anti Gravity
reasearch is being done by NASA since 1996 using Powerful
Magnets to achieve Levitation.Looking at the New Flight
Technologies being proposed such as Nuclear Pulse Propulsion,
Magnetic Sail,Solar Sail ,Electromagnetic propulsion and the
Anti-Gravity research being done in places like NASA ,
we may see a Vimana Aircraft.

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