
Friday, August 14, 2009


Psychokinesis can be described as the Moving of Objects
or the Changing of there shape or basically something weird
happening around a certain person or in a certain place. A child
bending a spoon in the Movie ' The Matrix ' , is Psychokinetic
Power in action. Poltergeists , the disturbing Ghosts cause these
Phenomenan,but they can emanate from our own Mind.We Humans
have Psychic energy within us ,which at times may take a life of
its own ,actually our subconscious or unconscious mind is linked
with that energy and hence the Phenomena manifests.Some people
have high levels of energy fields around/within them.Sometimes a
person unkowingly maybe influencing others.Also certain
Geographic locations tend to produce these effects maybe
due to the excessive concentration of the Earths Magnetic
Field at such points.

The Bermuda Triangle maybe one such place, Earth exhibiting
its Psychokinetic Powers. The Magnetic Field itself being caused
as the Earths internal core made of Lava rotates internally, the
Harder but cooler external Earth on top.

The Danger here for the Meditation Practitioner here is that he
shouldn't push himself to hard when he Meditates .If someone is
Meditating to attain Siddhis , Siddhi Powers (Supernatural Powers)
she/he should be steady in his approach and best be under the
Guidance of his Guru Jee.

A Powerful Meditation Practitioner should focus his attention on a
certain Point , a Chakra or His breathing.This is the rule for everyone
but for the Powerful Meditator without focus the Energy may
dissipate haphazardly.

om namah shivaya

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