
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Windows Scripting

Windows Scripting
WSH Windows Script Host
Is a programming Environment

Two Scrpit Engine's for WSH

cscript.exe - run from command prompt
wscript.exe-run from windows desktop


MsgBox "Hello World"

save with extension .vbs

MsgBox( ) -Builtin VBScript Function

Set genius = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
genius.Popup "Hello World!"

genius = a variable
CreateObject = a Method (does something)
Here genius the variable is set to create
an instance of WshShell Object,by the Method.
Instance because WshShell Object will always
be the same,wont change.It's like a Clone of
WshShell is Spawned,by the Method.
Popup( ) is a Method of WshShell object.

Object , Methods --Google them.

Example 3:
WScript.Echo "Hello World"
Run this and example 1 using
CScript from command prompt.
First one gives a popup.

Now run both examples change CScript
to WScript and note the difference.WScript always
produces a graphical output.

WSH supports Python(originally for Linux
now Ported to Unix and Windows),

WSH Core Object Model has 14 objects.

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