
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Get Rich Visualization

Get Rich Visualization


1.Google for Credit Card images.Select a Good
Most Expensive one You like, You should like
the Image.

2.Close your eyes visualize Your name on the
Credit Card.

3.Close Your eyes visualize you shopping
Books Gifts Clothes in the most expensive
Shops.Imagine paying the Bill with your
credit card.Feel how you feel.

4.Imagine dining in top end Hotel and paying
the Bill using Your Credit Card.

5.Feel the feeling of Richness.

Same can be done with imaging a Car,Your
Dream House,Soul Mate.

Think Positively
Think Ultimate
Have Faith ,For God, the Deva's, our Problems
are Trivial in fact they are Minuscule.

You are a Ultimate Eternal Soul.

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