Why Success Eludes some ,
Yet Blesses Others
Mystery of Success, Mystery of Life
Why is someone Successful whereas
others may Falter?
Has it to do with DNA or Destiny
(Are they both the Same?)?
Hard Work or Luck ?
Right Guidance or Right Thinking?
This Article of mine is inspired
from many Books such as Outliers,
Mind and its Control by Swami
Budhananda,the Secret,many others
and my own experiences.
Hope these pointers will help me
choose a proper path and correct
my errors and better MySelf.
The Reasons ,Why You are as You are ?
Motivator Factor,WANT-Enzyme/Catalyst.
Some reason motivates us to act or
act with haste.
Find Your Enzyme.
Wrong thinking and late thinking .
A want compels us to act.If you don't have
a Strong Want You wont Act.But going
further back ,why did this want come ?
"Another reason for the weakness of our
will is that most of us have perhaps not
clearly thought what exactly is at stake in
the control of the mind.If we had the sheer
instinct for survival would have drive us to
strengthen our will to control the mind."
-from Mind and its Control
One should think very soon at
what is at stake,realize that there
parents Wealth wont be sufficient
to see through them in Life.Unless
one's parents are worth a Billion
Dollars,most of us would need to
work.Even super Rich Kids get very
serious and grow there parents
wealth even more.
"and it appears to me that all the secret of
success is there:to pay as much attention
to the means as to the end"
"unless the causes are exact,proper
and powerful,the effect will not
be produced"
"once the ideal is chosen and the means
determined,we may almost let go the ideal,
because we are sure it will be there,when
the means are perfected"
-Swami Vivekananda
So to me the first step is realization. Find
out what Motivates you and realize you
need food,shelter,clothing and medical
care to look after your body.First assure
yourself of basic amenities.
Find the Motivator Factor :
>Basic Survival---For most this is it!!!
>Respect Status
>Spiritual Liberation,Quest for the Truth
The First step is the Factor or the Enzyme
that forces us to act.FIND IT AND ALSO
Why do some people or children
get this Enzyme sooner than others?
Enzyme Injection Date.
Vaccine Inoculation Date.
The Date the Eyes Opened.
Why do some Children think
and figure out sooner to get serious
in Life where as some lag?
Now why do some children get
serious soon and why do some children
get more serious than others.What
differentiates a successful child from
an average one.
My understanding is that simply
some children have a strong want.
This want is in them at an early stage
also some children get serious later
some end up being late bloomers.
Why does one child realize very soon
and another realizes later ?
Some people have a very strong
"unless the causes are exact,proper
and powerful,the effect will not
be produced"
-Swami Vivekananda
3.Confidence Level.
Inner Energy.
Meditation Helps here.
3.Building confidence
4.Exposure Books and more
5.Good Guidance-enc lab
6.Wrong Study Method.
8.10,000 Hours
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