
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Imagination Feeling

In a certain study conducted two groups
of people were asked to undertake a peculiar
experiment.The First group was asked to
work out and get into shape and the second
group was asked just to imagine themselves
to be fit with great muscles.Now interestingly
months later when the test was concluded
the second group who used only imagination
to enhance there muscles had a significant
muscle growth. I think I might have read
or heard about this in the Book 'the Intention
Experiment'.Just shows how powerful the mind
can be.

If wishing to get Rich$ or Physically Fit,
first imagine yourself to be Rich and Fit create
that feeling in the Mind,constantly create and
nurture an image of Yourself as Wealthy and
Rich.Imagine yourself as driving in the
expensive car you dream about say a Mercedes.
That feeling of how you feel is very powerful.
Imagine waiting to board a plane ,imagine
waiting in the Airport Lobby,imagine all
the beautiful girls there,imagine traveling
First Class,Imagine holding that Ultimate
Mobile Phone You like.Clothes you wear
even your Inner Wear always imagine the
best.The Dream House or Houses are Yours.
The Yacht is Yours.Feel now how you would


You Deserve
the Best.

Every good thing in this World


A very Fit Body is yours ,you have to project
a Mental Image of You being Fit and Healthy.

If You wish Meditation Mastery ,imagine
You to be a Master Yogi,Meditating for
Eons.You glowing filled with Golden Blue
energy of Brahman levitating several feet
above the ground lost in Samadhi in
Your Meditation Room, imagine that.

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