Mantra effects are profound and can be titanic in there
impact. The solution to a problem may lie right in front of us
and yet it remains elusive.The Mantra clears the Mist and
shows us what 'Is'.Mantras aren't just for those with Mystical
inclinations. Mantras benefit the most simple of people
who chant them with Faith and Devotion.Health,Wealth,
Prosperity,dealing with enemies,acquiring Knowledge,
Helping one make a decision and any other situation ,
the Mantras can help.
Mantras are Hindu Holy recitations all of them being in the
Ancient Indian Language Sanskrit.
How does a Mantra Work ?
First of all one should try and see his Aura.A simple
technique on the internet shows how we can see our Aura.
Just gaze in between two fingers , if we concentrate long
enough , we will be able to see a faint transparent line going
around the fingers .This would be one layer of our Subtle
Body,is this field (or fields) around us due to the same
reason that a field is generated around an wire when
electricity flows through it ?Whatever the reason , we
have layers of energy fields around us.With more research
being done into Quantum Mechanics Scientific explanations
to a lot of Supernatural Phenomenon are being given.
Now if a person with no practice of Meditation or Yoga
is able to see his Aura around his body , than imagine
what an advanced Meditation practitioner can see .
I saw my Aura while I wrote this article a faint transparent
blurry line around my fingers.
Next would be to understand that the Human Body has
various levels of these Aura.The Energy Anatomy of
the Human Body has different energy fields around it
and there are Chakras or Energy Centers which would
be gateways through which the various layersof the Energy
Anatomy ,including the Physical Body interact.The Prana
or Life force present in the air(and other things) is regulated
by the Chakras.
Each Chakra has various Petals being in the Shape of a
Lotus and on each of these Petals is inscribed a Sanskrit
Letter.The 50 Letters used in Sanskrit are present on each
of the Petals.
When we chant a Mantra the Petals Vibrate in Rhythm
producing a specific Vibration which affects the Physical
Body and State of Mind .Chanting for extended periods
of time produces a profound transformation.The Effects
of Chanting Mantras depends on which Mantra is being
Chanted.Mantra Effects can be better Health or solving
of a serious problem .
Before we begin to Chant:
1.Select the proper Mantra.
2.Be able to pronounce it Perfectly.
(Be very careful , mispronounced Mantra can affect
one badly)
3.Pranayama or deep breathing before we begin.
4. A Clean room and body.
5.Lighting of incense sticks in the room where we practice
chanting ,helps a lot .Light elemental beings are attracted
to the Fire.
Mantra effects ,based on what I have experienced are very
powerful .The most Titanic of problems can be sorted out.
Chant the Ganapathi Mantra before chanting any Mantra .
I feel that a complete Ganapathi Mantra Chanting
must be undertaken before any Mantra Chanting is done.
By complete I mean for a full course of 40 Days.
Being under the tutelage of a learned Master is infinitesimally
beneficial to the Mantra effects.
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