
Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Do you ever feel connected to people and

to the circumstances..?? give it a thought…

Contributed by external Source

Do you ever wonder over your constantly growing age when you blow your candle on each birthday? Does the next thought creep into your mind that you are approaching your days of end very gradually? No? Ask yourself again. Whether you are an engineer or a doctor, black or white, happy or depressed this one thought though it is very short lived circles around the brains. Then we console our hearts by feeling indifferent towards things and we try to curb away the fears within. But alas we fail to understand that your age is infinite and your life is never ending.

There have been some very popular concepts regarding rebirth and past lives. The matters arouse interest in every mind and it leaves them clutching their fingers between the lips out of awe. Our scriptures say that life is infinite and what is significant within us is only the soul. The physical form that we have is nothing more than trash. The ultimate fate and longing of each soul is to inculcate itself within the universal soul. This concept is not new but yes it is very much ridiculed and ignored by the younger generations.

With the saying and feeling of “we have one life ...so live to the fullest” we go on declining the quality of our soul. Now speaking about reincarnations have you even spent a grain of your intellect thinking why we take birth again and again? Some very famous philosophers and spiritual leaders have thrown light on this concept. According to them the only motive is to dissolve in the universal soul which is feasible if it has not one minute scar or flaw. This indeed is what we are destined to be. With each life that we take we are sent in physical form to improve the quality of soul. We take the physical forms to purify ourselves in each life which never come alone but with sufferings. It requires determination and a spiritual inclination to accept with open arms and heart that we need to discard all dark shades that we possess including ego, anger, dishonesty, greed and infinitely many more.

There is yet another concept which says that reincarnations occur as a result of the soul yearning for some intense desires that could not be fulfilled in the previous life. The soul can find no peace until that emotional desire that went deep into the veins when in physical form is accomplished. In case you are a good observer you will find that there have been witnesses of happenings and events in your own lives that need some consideration and thoughtfulness. Look behind the walls of present into the fading colors of the past and try figuring out that have you ever felt connected to someone? In simple words there will certainly be many such people who you met just incidentally and developed some real bond not in years but in few moments. While your meeting lasts for just a day or week and also the relation is too formal yet, while you depart you feel the pulse beating hard inside your heart. Though in such cases we generally discard it giving it the name of myth, but give it a second thought next time. This is the concept of being connected. You are connected through the past lives. Many of the lives you have lived before you have met in various forms molded into relations.

The concept of the past lives is not new. Even Hindu mythology has numerous evidences of such reincarnations. It is believed that the universal almighty has been taking various shapes and forms and has been making visits to the human civilization to wash off the dust that has accumulated over the humane side of it. The present world has led to the decline of humanity to such an extent that these reincarnations of god on earth have but been a matter of ridicule and boredom.

Present day minds believe in science which is backed by proofs. Talking about the present day scenario there have been many cases to shoulder the concept with strong evidences. A boy had strong fascination for aircrafts. He used to specify the parts with technical names which left his parents awestruck. Also he would get regular nightmares which left him screaming and terrified out of the experience of aircraft crash. The only conclusion was that he was seeing the moments of his past life which was causing him troubles. A lot of such cases can be witnessed all over the world.

Another concept that can be traced back to the reincarnations and the past lives is related to people being reincarnated in similar groups. Evidences have been found which reflect that a soul being reincarnated in the same family after his death. The intense attachment that the soul develops with the family members is deep enough to cause the reincarnation of the soul in the same family.

Nevertheless it is also true that we always take birth in similar repeated groups. In view of the above fact it can be said that we already have met the people we know now in our previous lives. This is something unbelievable but it can have easy explanations that will arise within your own self if you try feeling the relations rather than living them. The ultimate goal in all cases is to purify the soul by getting rid of the negative thought that tends to diversify with each life and new times.

Coming to the next step we even find that there are yet many more issues related to the reincarnations and past lives. We keep on taking various forms. The physical forms keep on changing yet the heart that we have and the feelings that develop within are not rare. Moreover the feelings cannot get lost. Just give it a thought and try to analyze that do you ever feel very contented in certain circumstances. My personal case if I share could be well explained. I always feel very connected to the marshy lands. Whatever place be it, the marshy areas bring in a special kind of feelings within me which makes me more than happy. There have been many more cases who feel attached to the countryside views even if you see it for the first time. All this is purely a result of the past life experiences and remnants that have failed to die within you owing to the intense bond developed within you with the past lives. Moving further we will meet people who have some very special attachments with the weather conditions.

A man used to sit on his computer and work for hours. He never travelled but never got bored out of the work. There was a secret behind all this happiness with the same life. Not that he had adjusted with the monotonous life of his. In fact he used to travel over time and live a happy life via his thoughts. The chirp of a cuckoo in the nearby mango tree was the key. As soon as he heard that all his senses seem to get in resonance with the past life ages when he used to hear a familiar voice. He could then manage to run past the time machine limits and get into his past lives where he travelled and made his life spiced with bitter and sweet moments.

There are numerous deaths happening all over the world each moment. The thought of losing you loved ones leaves you into a trauma. The grandma tales of finding the ones you lose in the stars have been heard all over the years. Why not? After all we are all made up of the elements in the stars. If the star shines bright enough with such composition why can’t we do the same? The realization that the life of a soul is infinite and that it never fades away can get you out of the trauma. May be you lost someone who was the foundation of your life. But if you had that intense feeling of attachment with the soul you need not weep because he will soon come back to you in a reincarnated form.

The concept of reincarnations and past lives has been fresh over all ages. The reason may vary and so will the beliefs of people. Yet the one thing that matters to make you emerge victorious over all others is the realization. The Realization behind your presence in this world. The individual ambitions may differ. You think about making money each second. You desire to have all luxuries and travel over the seas to see the wonders that universe has to gift to you. In doing and achieving all these self realization fades away. We go on declining the quality of the soul. The keyword is to strive to be a good man first and then to look for all other things you desire to have. Only then can you blend with the universal soul.

Contributed by external Source

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