
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Siddhi Powers Siddhi Siddhis



The Sanskrit Word Siddhi means Accomplishment ,
Success or Perfection

The Sanskrit Word Siddha means Perfected ,

Successful,gained or Demi-God.

What are Siddhis ?
Ans: Siddhi Powers are the Supernatural
Powers attained by Yogis as a result of
Meditation for an extended period of time.

What Sort of Supernatural Powers can
be attained ?
Ans: Siddhi Powers are the abilitiy to Fly
or Levitate, increase or decrease the
size of the Body, Clairvoyance and
many more.

Who can attain Siddhi Powers ?
Ans: Anyone who is prepared to commit
himself to Meditation and the Sadhana
(Spiritual Practice).

How does one acquire Siddhis ?
Ans: Penance Meditation Mantra-Chanting .

Siddhi Powers are wriiten about in various
Mytholgical Wrtings.The Ramayana and the
Mahabharata the two Great Indian Epics abound
with Supernatural Powers. Lord Hanuman
demonstrates various Siddhi Powers in the
Ramayana ,such as flying ,increasing and
decresing his size.In a Spiritual Book The
Saint Author says that 72 Hours before
an event occure on this plane the event
has occured on the Astral Plane.For a
Yogi who could move into the Astral
Realm this might be how he sees into
the future.Entering the Astral Plane
Siddhi one has access to the Akashic
Records.Akash Meaning Sky. Siddhi
Powers are seen as impediments to
Spiritual Growth by a lot of Saints.


Siddhi Powers


some people who are born with these
Siddhi Powers may not even
be aware of there
powers and infact maybe using them


The Various types of Siddhis are :

Parkaya Pravesha , by which a dead person is
brought back to Life , this is accomplished by
the Sage enabling His Soul to enter that of a
dead person.

Haadi Vidya, one wont feel hungry or thirsty
for days.

Kaadi Vidya, one doesn't feel cold or heat.
Maybe one can even sit in Fire.

Vayu Gaman Siddhi, Ability to Fly .
Subdivision:Laghima--becoming very Light

Madalasa Vidya ,this is the ability to control
one's size as depicted by Hanuman in the
Ramayana. Its is subdivided into Anima
(decrease) and Mahima(increase)

Kanakdhara Siddhi, Wealth as much as
one wishes.

Prakya Sadhana, a Yogi can take birth
as the child of a woman , usually the
woman being unable to bear children.

Surya Vigyan,Sun's rays used to transform
one object into another.

Other Subdivisions:


Pravesha= Sanskrit word meaning Enter
Vidya=Sanskrit word for Knowledge


Another Spiritual writing puts it this way when the
Kundalini Energy at the Base of the Spine is risen
upto a Chakra , that is the Meditation gaze and
Kundalini Energy fuse at a Specific Chakra , the
Siddhi Powers associated with that Chakra will
be bestowed onto him. For anyone looking for
Siddhi's or Siddhi Powers Mantra Chanting
would be the best way to begin.There is good
news for the Spiritual aspirant a Star called
Mulam is closer to Earth now that is within
this past Aeon(or Aeons) ,hence its cosmic
rays are affectings one's DNA and this can
enhance ones Mystical inclinations. Those
with proper intention and toil will attain to
Siddhi Powers.


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